

张会平 教授

研究方向: 困境儿童与家庭研究、医务社会工作、循证干预
地址: 海淀区中关村大街59号崇德西楼
邮箱: zhp0205@ruc.edu.cn

(2007-2011) 香港大学社会工作与社会行政学系 哲学博士

(2004-2007) 清华大学教育研究所 应用心理学硕士

(2000-2004) 河北大学教育学院 教育学学士

2019年8月至今, 中国人民大学社会工作与社会政策系教授

2019年2月至8月, 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校社会工作学院访问学者


2017年6月至2022年3月, 中国人民大学社会工作与社会政策系主任

2014年8月至2019年7月, 中国人民大学社会与人口学院社会工作系,副教授

2013年7月至8月, 香港大学自杀研究与预防中心访问学者

2011年9月至2014年7月, 中国人民大学社会与人口学院,讲师


1.   Zhang, H.P., Gao, X.Y., Liang, Y.Z., Yao, Q.Y., & Wei, Q.G* (forthcoming). Does child maltreatment reduce or increase empathy? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence & Abuse.

2.   Wang, W.W. & Zhang, H.P.* (forthcoming). Effectiveness of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy among maltreated children: A meta-analysis. Research on Social Work Practice.

3.   Wang, W.W. & Zhang, H.P.* (forthcoming). Depression transmission from parents to adult children: The role of family violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

4.   Zhang, H.P., Wang, W.W., Liu, S.Q., & Wei, Q.G.* (forthcoming). A meta-analytic review of the impact of child maltreatment on self-esteem: 1981-2021. Trauma, Violence & Abuse.

5.   Wang, Y., Chen, X.X., Zhou, K., & Zhang, H.P.* (forthcoming). A meta-analysis of the effects of child maltreatment on elderly depression. Trauma, Violence & Abuse.

6.   Zhang, H.P., Li, J.M., Sun, B.Y., & Wei, Q.G.* (forthcoming). Effects of childhood maltreatment on self-compassion: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence & Abuse.

7.   Zhang, H.P.*, Li, Y.L., Shi, R., Dong, P.Y., & Wang, W.W. (forthcoming). Prevalence of child maltreatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey of rural Hubei, China. British Journal of Social Work.

8.   Zhang, H.P., Ji, M.M., Wang, Y., Xu, S.*, & Shi, R. (2023). Early childhood neglect among three- to six-year-old children in China: A meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 24(1), 3-14.

9.   Cao, R.X., Li, H.C., & Zhang, H.P.*(2022). Intergenerational transmission of violence among substance-abusing Chinese parents: Roles of detachment and social support. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(19-20), 18713-18737.

10. Zhang, H.P.*, Ma, A.J., & Li, Y.L. (2022). The role of social cohesion in preventing child abuse among rural Chinese left-behind children. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(7-8),4510-4526.

11.  Zhang, H.P.*, Zhu, X.B., & Yu, X.W. (2022). Impact of stress on work engagement among social workers in Beijing: The roles of positive emotion and career resilience. British Journal of Social Work, 52, 1149-1167.

12.   Zhang, H.P.*, & Li, Y.L. (2022). Child neglect and life satisfaction among left-behind children in rural China: The roles of self-compassion and gratitude. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(17-18),15649-15669.

13.  Zhang, H.P., Xie, L.L., Yip, P.S.F.*, Lo, S.S.T., & Fan, S. (2022). Female sexual assertiveness and sexual satisfaction among Chinese couples in Hong Kong: A dyadic approach. Journal of Sex Research, 59(2), 203-211.

14.  Wei, Q.G., Zhang, H.P.*, Fan, S., & Yip, S.F.P. (2021). Dyadic association between sexual dysfunction and sexual satisfaction: A cross-sectional survey of heterosexual couples in Hong Kong. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 47(4), 341-352.

15.  Zhang, H.P., Shi, R., Li, Y.L., & Wang, Y.* (2021). Effectiveness of school-based child sexual abuse prevention programs in China: A meta-analysis. Research on Social Work Practice,31(7), 693-705.

16.  Zhang, H.P., Zhou, H., Cao, R.X.* (2021). Bullying victimization among left-behind children in rural China: Prevalence and associated risk factors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36 (15-16), 8414-8430.

17.  Zhang, H.P.* (2021). Workplace victimization and discrimination in China: A nation-wide survey. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(1-2), 957-975.

18.  Xu, S., Zhang, H. P.*, & Wang, J.X. (2020). Caregiver burden and depression among Chinese family caregivers: The role of self-compassion. Mindfulness, 11 (7), 1647-1654.

19.  Zhang, H.P., Chi, P.*, Long, H., & Ren, X. (2019). Bullying victimization and depression among left-behind children in China: The roles of self-compassion and hope. Child Abuse & Neglect, 96,104072.

20.  Zhang, H.P., Zhou, H., & Tao, T.* (2019). Bullying behaviors and psychosocial adjustment among school-aged children in China. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34 (11), 2363-2375.

21.  Zhang, H.P., Zhang, Y., Wong, W.C.W., Fan, S., & Yip, P.S.F.* (2019). Sexual coercion among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents: The role of family factors. Children & Youth Services Review, 101,201-206.

22.  Zhang, H.P., & Wang, Y.L.* (2019). Bullying victimization and depression among young Chinese adults with physical disability: Roles of gratitude and self-compassion. Children & Youth Services Review, 103, 51-56.

23.  Wu, L., & Zhang, H.P.* (2016). Health-related quality of life of low-socioeconomic status populations in urban China. Health & Social Work,41 (4), 219-227.

24.  Zhang, H.P.*, Fan, S., & Yip, P.S.F. (2016). Marital satisfaction trends in Hong Kong between 2002 and 2012. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 42 (5), 393-402.

25.  Zhang, H.P., Wong, W.C.W, Ip, P., Fan, S., & Yip, P.S.F.* (2015). Intimate partner violence among Hong Kong young adults: Prevalence, risk factors and associated health problems. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30 (13), 2258-2277.

26.  Zhang, H.P.*, Fan, S., & Yip, P.S.F. (2015). Sexual dysfunction among reproductive age Chinese married women in Hong Kong: Prevalence, risk factors and associated consequences. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12 (3), 738-745.

27.  Zhang, H.P.*, & Tsang, S.K.M. (2013). Relative income and marital happiness among urban Chinese women: The moderating role of personal commitment. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14 (5), 1575-1584.

28. 张会平 (2021).儿童友好城市建设:发展中国家的经验及其启示.社会建设, 2, 64-74.

29. 张会平 (2019).我国城市女性离婚意向的实证分析.社会建设, 2, 70-77.

30. 张会平 (2013). 女性家庭经济贡献对婚姻冲突的影响: 婚姻承诺的调节作用. 人口与经济, 5, 19-23.

31. 张会平 (2013). 城市女性的相对收入与离婚风险: 婚姻质量的调节作用. 妇女研究论丛, 3, 28-33.

32. 张会平 (2013). 家庭收入对女性婚姻幸福感的影响: 夫妻积极情感表达的中介作用. 中国临床心理学杂志, 21(2), 268-271.

33. 张会平, 聂晶, 曾洁雯 (2012). 城市家庭管钱方式的特点及其对女性婚姻质量的影响. 中国临床心理学杂志, 20 (2), 219-222.

34. 张会平, 曾洁雯 (2010). 城市女性的相对收入水平及受教育程度差异对婚姻质量的影响. 中国临床心理学杂志, 18 (5),632-634.


《社会工作伦理案例分析》(副主编祝玉红、刘晨男), 中国人民大学出版社(2019年1月).


1. 我国困境儿童的多重伤害与社会支持体系研究,国家社科基金重点项目(2020-2023)(已结项)

2. 中国儿童保护体系的理论构建与实践路径研究,中国人民大学重大项目(2020-2022)(已结项)

3. 新时代中国儿童友好型城市建设, 国家发展和改革委员会委托项目(2019-2021) (已结项).

4. 儿童健康公平性及其干预研究, 中国人民大学重大项目(2018-2019), 已结项.

5. 城镇低收入阶层居民的身心健康及影响机制研究, 国家社科基金一般项目(2015-2018), 已结项.

6. 我国城市女性的社会经济地位与婚姻质量研究, 国家社科基金青年项目(2012-2015), 已结项.

7. 城市女性家庭经济贡献与离婚意向:性别角色规范的调节作用, 人文社会科学国际期刊论文发表培育项目(2013),已结项.













中国人民大学校级先进工作者(2018, 2013)

中国人民大学优秀班主任 (2015, 2013)


2022年1月至今,国际SSCI期刊《Child & Family Social Work》杂志副主编

2023年1月至今,《Research on Social Work Practice》杂志编委

