

林丹 讲师

研究方向: 人类学的移民研究,移民与全球化,多元文化主义,日常中非关系 Migration, Globalisation, Ethnicity, Racial Relation, Identity, Chinese Culture & Society, Anthropology of China
地址: 崇德楼西楼602
邮箱: dan.lin@ruc.edu.cn



Ph.D. in Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

B.A. & M.A. in Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University.

Visiting Study Fellow, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.


香港中文大学文化遗产中心研究助理(2015 – 2016年)

香港中文大学人类学系助教(2011 – 2015年)

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Renmin University of China, 2018-

Research Assistant, Cultural Heritage Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015-16.

Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011-15.

Lin, Dan. 2018. Racial Encounters and Migrant Experiences: How Africans and Chinese Interact in a Globalising China, Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Mathews, Gordon, Linessa Dan Lin, and Yang Yang. 2017. The World in Guangzhou: Africans and Other Foreigners in South China’s Global Marketplace. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.





Postgraduate courses:

History of Anthropological Theory

Marriage, Family and Kinship

Anthropology of Religion

Reading World Ethnography

Undergraduate course:

Doing Ethnography

Understanding Anthropology